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On November 2nd, 2016 - Beyoncé Knowles-Carter performed at the '2016 Country Music Awards', sharing the stage with the band Dixie Chicks. The duet performance was, without a doubt, rated the best performance of the night by numerous music outlets, such as Billboard. Not only was the the performance the best by quality, but it was also the best by quantity. The performance was one of the highest rated moments of the award show that night, in terms of viewer count. Needless to say, Beyoncé & Dixie Chicks stole the show. Throughout the night, following the encore-worthy performance, Official CMA social media accounts & the Official CMA website posted several photos and content relating to the performance. Being this, no issues have occurred and everyone can clearly deem the night a successful one

On November 3rd, 2016 - Fans, supporters, and viewers notice a discrepancy in all Official CMA sources. All content, photos, videos, and even accreditation related to Beyoncé & or Dixie Chicks and their performance was erased completely. Some initially noted this situation off as a temporary error or an overstatement, however there is absolutely no trace of Beyoncé, in particular, even being present at the award show, let alone being the biggest act of the night. This is where the issue comes in place.

Continuing - It was brought to viewers attention that the reason being behind the deletion of all Beyoncé related content is because of backlash the Country Music Awards & Association received, fueled by racist and discriminatory prejudice. The hate and ignorance aimed towards Beyoncé and her performance essentially prompted the CMAs to take action in the upmost disrespectful and unbelievable way.

Continuing - In following excerpt, us the people will note the simple reason why the CMAs actions are inexcusable; further explaining how we interrupt the actions, and finally demand an apology.

The actions taken by the CMAs are unacceptable not only because it, in a sense, empowers the backlashers; but it disrespects and disregards Mrs. Knowles-Carter herself. With all of the hard work and sacrifices Beyoncé made in-order to put on that performance, it is a spit in the face when the organization refuses to even acknowledge her after the fact. The thing that is gets really confusing is that the CMAs in fact used & advertised Beyoncé's name heavily leading up to the show. This leads to the overall assumption that " The CMAs used Beyoncé, in particular for views ". And being completely honest, what award show doesn't use certain artists for views, however the aftermath in the situation is utterly distasteful in more ways than one.

The CMAs also left viewers and supporters stunned and feeling used as well. Us the people feel that the organization used us as views, just to disregard the very thing we tuned in for. Us the people also feel as if by the CMAs complying with racist backlash, that the organization ultimately encouraged and empowered those who voiced prejudice. It does not take a kindergartener to comprehend the situation at hand. It is more than the deletion of content, it's the compliance and ultimate support given to racist hatred by the Country Music Awards & Association.

  • Demand - WE THE PEOPLE demand & petition for an apology to;

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter ( privately and/or publicly )

Viewers , Supporters , Fans , & The Public ( publicly )


A public message to all people who sent and voiced racist and prejudice concerns regarding Mrs. Knowles-Carter 's performance with Dixie Chicks on November 2nd, 2016 at the '2016 Country Music Awards' ; condemning their actions and prejudice. ( publicly )


Re-post all/some previously deleted content relating or referring to Beyoncé & Dixie Chicks and their performance at the awards show

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