zackryder747 0

Bring GTA V LSPDFR to Next Gen Consoles

25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
zackryder747 0 Comments
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of the greatest mods for GTA V being on PC. I get that its easier to create and download mods onto computers but the greats mod is LSPDFR and Rock Star could easily hire the best LSPDFR creater and LSPDFR add on content creator to create the mod for both PlayStation and Xbox and then bring it out in two paid DLCS. $5 for story mode version which after downloaded you could play even with NO internet connection and then the online version which would be around $10-$15 which Rock Star would have to create a separate online servers where you're only playing with other people that are also playing as cops (or FIB, IAA or whatever they wanna play as). And the add on content could also be cheap paid DLCs. For instance, an LSPD Helicopter, LSPD Boat and SWAT Truck could be $6, or a Lamborghini LSPD set which would have a couple different Lambos with LSPD skins and undercover cars would be $12 or something. And there are many other examples I could give. But they won't listen to just me so I need your help. If you want GTA V Story Mode to become fun again please help me by signing and sharing the petition!

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