Please stop recommending the use of animal products (non - vegan products) through Hay House Recipes & Radio, Hay House Publishing, and other outlets

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Please stop recommending the use of animal products (non - vegan products) through

Hay House Recipes & Radio, Hay House Publishing, and other outlets of information managed by Louise Hay.

It is my love for Louise Hay that drives me to form a petition, attempting to share with her and co author of "The Bone Broth Secret" Heather Dane, the serious, serious issues that are involved with animal product production. As well as, the alarming impact our financial purchases - our choices in food have on our environment, animals, and even our own species. This petition is also an attempt to explain why so many have been offended by her book "The Bone Broth Secret"- and alienated from her work, through her decision to recommend animal products to others in recipes and elsewhere, even under the guise of "humane, ethical, and loving".

I am asking with all my heart, that those who the petition is directed to will read this petition fully, and be willing to view the resources provided before assuming it is "asking too much". Or before assuming it is coming from those whose deeply concerned message should be dismissed as being "radical", or merely passed off as being a "belief" of those who are in the minority at this time. It is not beliefs, but very serious facts that those who sign are asking you to read and understand, and these facts are significant at a level that is almost beyond description.

Many of us have for the most part been raised to eat and believe that animal products are healthy, and for the most part may be unaware of all the factors involved in their consumption and production. This petition is certainly not an attempt to "come down" on, or disrespect Louise, Heather, Ahlea, or any others Louise works with. This is meant with only the best wishes for all who read. It is simply to ask what we ask of you considering , including, - very much so - the well being of those who will read the recipes and dietary advice you share.

We are most asking you at the strongest level to please hear us out as the signers of this petition, in pointing out the serious impact of encouraging demand on; the sales of animal products. While this point may be difficult to understand, The production of Meat, Dairy, Eggs and other animal based foods for profit is not a necessary act for human health, and requires in all, not some cases; Abuse, suffering and the brutal killing of innocent, sentient animals. And in addition, the production of these unnecessary food choices requires (also in all cases) extremely significant harm to our environment, and has a staggering impact on certain humanitarian issues (mainly the issue of human starvation). While it may be pointed out, that all food production has an impact, it is the production of animal based foods that is staggering higher in impact, than plant based foods for human consumption alone. The impact of (all) Animal agriculture is in fact so staggering, that we are in what can described as nothing less than an emergency situation (environmentally and in terms of resource use). There is a great deal of information that will explain these points below. Again, this is not some kind of radical attempt to twist facts, this is very serious information that is deliberately silenced due to a great deal of corruption at this time. This is truth that many are not aware of, through no real fault of their own - about life, death, this planet, and even our future survival as a species.

It is true that individuals with a very powerful voice, with nearly countless fans (who value her advice very highly) as Louise does, have an enormous impact in what they personally recommend. As the signers of this petition, we wish to make the point that it should be taken into the moral consideration in the strongest possible manner of any such individual to be fully certain that what they recommend is in the highest good of their followers. In other words, to be fully aware of the health effect of certain foods and the other serious issues involved. I and those who sign, consider, in the strongest possible manner, that we deserve truthful information from Louise and those who Louise works with in dietary recommendations, as well as from Hay House. There is also a great deal of information below that reveals why it is that animal based foods have a significantly negative, not a positive effect on human health. Why this is also a factor that is true in the case of all humans, not only some individuals.

We do not at all consider it appropriate or acceptable that these foods are being recommended, and claimed to healthy and healing. Also, we do not at all consider it appropriate that Hay House, which is committed to publishing items that have a "positive self help slant", would recommend such poor dietary choices. As the signers of this petition, we are asking that you consider very seriously, the health information shared here that has been put out by many doctors, R.D.'s, nutritionists and health organizations, and backed with the serious scientific studies that have been done this issue. We ask that you please consider the serious dangers of animal product consumption as they are shared in these sources, as well as the well being of your readers in publishing books that recommend these foods, as well as putting out advice on Hay House radio or the Hay House recipe page that recommends these foods.

There fact is, there is simply no health need for animal products in the human body. There are enormous health benefits of vegan diets (for all, not some individuals), and they are adequate and appropriate for individuals in all stages of life, including those who suffer from certain medical conditions. There is quite literally no deficiency, medical condition or disease that is found in vegans alone, and not also those who are not vegan. B12, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Collagen, Omega 3, and many others are simply not nutrients of vitamins that are lacking in individuals due to their choice of a healthy plant based diet, but for other reasons.

When a dietary recommendation is made by such a well known and respected individual, a there is a significant impact. As an internationally renowned healer and teacher, Louise has a very, very "loud" voice when it comes to putting out advice to others.

While you may not agree or accept this point fully, there are many, many individuals who are searching for information and truth when it comes to healthy food choices. They may be unsure whether meat, dairy, etc. are healthy choices. Louise, they also look up to you enormously. They consider you a valid source of information and they trust you and your advice. While it is true that many will question dietary advice on their own, there are many others that will make your recipes, and will buy your book "The Bone Broth Secret" based on your advice and recommendations.

In this case, with the recommendation for Meat (including Fish), Dairy, Eggs and other animal products in recipes, you are using the power of your word, to literally - and very much so - encourage more demand on industries that are far more abusive to animals that you would likely imagine. On industries that have the highest impact of any other at this time, on our planet environmentally. And on industries that are more damaging to our own species overall than we most strongly consider, you (as a person who is a caring and loving leader and teacher is aware). We believe your disturbing lack of awareness combined with your recommendation for supporting these industries is dramatically out of alignment with what seems to be your genuine purpose of spiritual healing and simply helping others.

What I, and the signers of this petition and the greatest possible heartfelt manner, would like to encourage is that Louise and others who are so influencial can please consider the power of their word and recommendations in regards to the defining words of your organization (Hay House) as a publishing company that strives to put out information "conducive to healing planet earth", when reading what is shared below.;

(In the case of all problems or issues below, animal agriculture (whether small scale, supposedly "humanely raised", "free range", organic, grass fed, or factory farmed) is quite literally the single greatest contributor, and the impact is dramatically high.

-The humanitarian issue of human starvation

-The environmental impact on; Rainforest destruction, The destruction of other habitats, Ocean "Dead Zones", Species extinction and endangerment and the culling and elimination of Wildlife species overall, Water Pollution, and shockingly, Global Climate Change/"Global warming.

91 % of the Amazon alone, has been destroyed in order to grow plant crops demanded by these industries, in order to feed animals used in Animal agriculture. This is only one in a sea of many such staggering facts.

Cowspiracy, a very well respected and extremely informative Documentary, which among other sources, explains and backs the facts above, and is generating enormous interest and passion at this time. In regards to the impact on global climate change, this is also based on data put out by the United Nations. Cowspiracy can be viewed on Netflix or you tube for free, and is a great way to educate yourself on the very serious issues we face as humanity, in regards to our food choices and how disturbingly soon we will be running out of resources and land to continue to these practices. (Again, in the case of all animal agriculture, not some). There is simply not enough to go around in a rapidly increasing population, and this is what can easily be described as an environmental and humanitarian emergency, by a person who is fully aware of the gross impact of a population who chooses to continue to consume animal based foods.

You have mentioned in your book, as one examples, the impact of palm oil on Rainforests. You have encouraged people to avoid palm oil, which you have my great appreciation for. The fact is however, the environmental impact, the toll on wildlife & species extinction through palm oil production pales very significantly in comparison to the impact & toll of Animal agriculture. This is at a staggering level. It is deeply disturbing to read the double standard that is displayed in your book the Bone Broth Secret. Although I imagine you may not be aware. Of all factors currently threatening our planet and other species here, Animal agriculture is the highest impact, and cannot realistically be ignored by those who truly care about this planet and other creatures here. From this environmental perspective; It is a strongest possible heartfelt request to Louise, that you would be willing to look into these issues, by viewing the Documentaries mentioned in this petition - Cowspiracy and Seaspiracy. There are also many other sources shared below on this topic.

The dollar vote of those who choose to buy animal based foods, is the driving force here. This is not nonsense, and not an exaggeration, but based on simple economics. The demand for these products. It is also your actions and the actions of your publishing company, recipe page, and Hay House radio, that have a genuine influence, on the dollar vote in this case. Desperately we need to address our future, the future of our planet, and the lives of our children when it comes to this issue.

We are in the middle of the largest mass extinction of species in 65 million years, with out Rainforests being destroyed at approximately one acre per second. I would like to stress that in this case, Animal agriculture is not so much just one of many factors causing this impact, but almost entirely responsible for this impact. This is not just for grass fed animals, but mainly for growing Soybeans and other crops to feed to animals used in Dairy, Meat, and Egg production, as well as fish farms.

It is estimated that every day, close to a hundred animal, plant and insect species are lost, due to Rainforest destruction.

In regards to the recommendation for Grass fed or Pasture raised animals;

When it comes to the serious issues above, that are contributed to at such a high level through the farming of animals for human food use, it is actually Grass fed animal farming that is dramatically higher still. Indeed, as shocking as it may seem, Grass fed farming is dramatically more harmful to the environment and more demanding on resource use than Factory Farming. It is a dramatically higher impact on Rainforests and other habitats, Species extinction, Oceans, Water and other resource use, and contribution to Climate change, and water pollution.

Certainly factory farming is a horrific practice that should not be supported, however Grass fed animal farming is not a humane or sustainable alternative, by any stretch of the imagination. We ask you to please view the documentary Cowspiracy which discusses this issue in detail. To share a simple figure; On average, and considering the average slaughter age of a cow, the land required to raise a single grass fed cow, is 50 acres, while in the case of Factory Farming it is just 2-5, and this includes the land required to grow animal feed. The habitat loss and suffering of wild animal species, (including the deliberate killing of Wild animals which is so often the case) is also dramatically higher in the case of Grass fed farming. In fact many of the factors shared below in regards to the significant impact of animal agriculture on Wild animals and their lives are driven by, and a financial necessity of keeping Grass fed or smaller - scale pasture raised animal farming in business. You can likely understand by reading, which specific examples are carried out to protect the interests of animal farming, for animals who are raised mainly outdoors on what would be called "grazing land".


There are many examples of Wild animal species being intentionally obliterated or harmed in order to submit to the demands and desires of those who wish to farm animals, some of which are listed below. Of the examples here, these are not at all necessarily selective cases, but are in many cases required actions that must be carried out to support the demand for animal products. These actions set aside, unless there is an immediate and very significant reduction in the demand and use for animal products by humans, wild animals do and will always suffer and die more so than for any other reason as a result of the human demand for animal products.

The deliberate killing of Bison (to make way for more grazing land, and sell for additional meat) in the Western U S,

The brutal slaughter of Kangaroos and their babies in Australia

The Badger cull in England (Very much a result of a propaganda campaign protecting the interests of Dairy farmers),

The poisoning of Prairie dogs (Who compete with livestock for forage)

Wild horse "Roundups" in the U S (A result of the desire to clear land for cattle grazing. - Wild Horses are chased for miles with Helicopters, and often injured in the process. They are then brought to government holding facilities and sold to Slaughterhouses, Rodeos, etc.)

A particularly high percentage of hunting of predator species worldwide. (Predator species are vitally necessary for the health of our ecosystems. There is very strong lobbying on the part of the animal agriculture industry, encouraging governments and others to carry out the elimination of predator species.)

Even more shocking, *Aerial hunting (The gunning down of Bears, Cougar, Wolves and other predator species from planes. Done particularly in the U. S., and certain other countries, also to protect the interests of the livestock industry.)

And countless, countless other shocking examples worldwide.

Certainly the killing of wildlife may be carried out for other reasons entirely, or several reasons. However, worldwide, the targeting and violent, intentional elimination of Wildlife species and their habitats is again, more so than any other factor a result of the human demand for unnecessary animal based foods in our diet.


Overall, the level of violence and abuse that animals in production for human food use undergo is one of the highest that is experienced by any beings on planet earth at this time. Without sharing a great deal of detail; I will share a few points below that explain how significant the level of abuse and trauma that these animals undergo is. To be clear, unless otherwise noted, these are actions that take place on all animal farms, including "certified humane/certified humanely raised", "free range", grass fed, organic, or other terms that attempt to paint a pretty picture of the actions required in the use of our fellow Earthlings and their bodies for profit.;

1. Female animals who are used for animal product consumption; (Meat, Dairy or Egg) have been forcibly impregnated (in nearly every case repeatedly) and therefore undergone sexual abuse (technical rape), the use of their sacred bodies, and reproductive systems for human profit and (unnecessary) consumption. (See the end of this paragraph, about the rare instances of breeding done with male animals). In nearly all cases, female animals are abused in this manner (sexually violated) at a very young age (To put this example in "human terms", this action is carried out at the time immediately following adolescence.) In approximately less than 1% of instances, very small scale farms may deliberately place female animals with male animals to encourage breeding - this is almost never done, mainly for financial reasons. More importantly, this does not address the fact that a sentient female - (who we have no evidence or genuine argument whatsoever is inferior to our own species), is having her body and reproductive system being used for profit alone, and for unnecessary human consumption. Vegans and those who advocate for the rights of animals would argue, Would you allow one that you truly loved and respected, to be impregnated for profit? Furthermore, and once again, I must point out that animal farming is a business, not a necessity for human health.

2. Female animals have endured the loss of babies that are permanently, and forcibly taken from them in most cases. (In dairy, this is always the case.) In nearly all cases, as newborn, these animals have been separated from their mothers permanently and denied the nurture of their mother's presence physically, and otherwise. In the case of dairy, these animals are not weaned, but flat out denied the ability to nurse.

3. Following the brutal and cruel separation from their mothers as newborns, male babies on dairy farms are constantly confined using various methods and brutally killed for veal within weeks to months following separation. Most female animals (who are considered adequately healthy) are kept alive, and will endure the same fate as their mothers. In the very rare example of Dairy farms who are far more small scale and may allow "more consideration" for their animals, male babies may be raised, to be used as beef rather than Veal. In this instance, they would not be confined to the same degree, and may be allowed to graze outdoors for a time frame of around 2 years before slaughter, rather than losing their lives at a much younger age. These are essentially the "lucky 1%". More accurately, it is approximately less than 1% of Dairy farms that are non-factory farmed (and a small percentage of these still) that would use male babies for Beef rather than for Veal or selling them off. In this instance, the dairy farming methods used for both Cows, Goats and Sheep will still require the forced separation of infant - age animals from their mothers, and the selling or killing of nearly all male babies.

Confinement of male babies used for Veal, is done for reasons of making their flesh "more tender" due to the muscle restriction. In most cases, this involves a Veal crate, and very often includes even the constant chaining of their necks. In addition, this confinement often involves a lack of even artificial lighting due to the effect this has on the "quality of Veal". However, factory farming or not, the main consideration of those who truly advocate for the respect, love and rights of animals, is their ability to maintain life, and raise their babies, without the interference of those who wish to profit off of them. This is simply not possible in any instance of animal farming, where these animals are being used for the production meat, dairy and eggs.

4. Nearly all animals used in this manner have undergone serious physical mutilation of their bodies, and suffered through numerous if not constant states of illness or severe illness. (On very rare small scale farm examples this may be avoided for the most part, but other forms of abuse and serious trauma for these animals still exist.)

5. Whether in the case of smaller scale, so called "humane" animal products, or in the case of animals that have been used on Factory Farms, animals endure the act of a violent, forced death.

6. Transport to the slaughterhouse, and experience within the slaughterhouse. (The overwhelming majority of very small farms still have their animals shipped to slaughterhouses.);

Animals are able to observe and are very aware of what is to come. The process of slaughter entails taking an animal's life, most commonly by the slitting of the individual's throat while forcibly held in an upside down position, in order to facilitate the draining of the blood prior to skinning and dismemberment. It is a very common occurrence, that animals are killed while still conscious.

Both the animal-using industry and some concerned consumers make use of the term "Humane Slaughter" to refer to methods of slaughter that are claimed to be better than others, such as those that attempt to render the animal unconscious before they are killed, which theoretically minimizes the pain experienced while still leaving the heart beating in order to forcefully push out the blood. While the use of such methods clearly improve the efficiency and speed of slaughterhouse operations, it is simply not possible to claim that true respect, love, or compassion are being practiced in the act of taking another's life for the purposes of profit.

The point has been made by both Heather and Louise that when it comes to a healthy diet, a person need only "listen to their body" and do what is right for them, or what they feel works for them. In addition, Louise has shared "If you follow other people's rules, without listening to your body, your telling yourself that you don't matter"

There are several very serious problems with this from a health perspective.

While this suggestion of just simply "listening to your body" may sound appealing and come across upon first reading as nothing more than a simple way of loving and honoring oneself, there may be very serious consequences for an individual that uses feeling, and intuition alone when making dietary choices.

Certain points of concern in regards to this are;

Listening to our body would not exclude listening to the cravings we experience for various foods, and most would consider it to be defined by this. Our body does not always crave what is healthiest for us at any given time, and this is a very serious point to consider. A person experiencing a physical craving for a particular substance listens to their body, and then consumes the substance. One example of this, would be, quite literally the case of drug addiction. The decision on the part of a drug addict to consume blank substance is very much an act of simply "listening to their body", while ignoring serious health and scientific information regarding the harmful effects of this substance.

Regardless, we as humans do not always crave what is healthy for us. We very much need additional, clearer guidelines nutritionally, that can be combined with the advice of simply "listening to our body" if we are going to choose that which we crave for genuine reasons of health, while avoiding genuinely unhealthy cravings at the same time.

It is true that we crave certain foods such as fruits or vegetables based on our need for specific vitamins or minerals, however we crave foods for reasons far beyond this. In fact, unfortunately, and particularly in this day in age, our cravings tend to be more for the unhealthy and quite literally, addictive foods we have become used to, rather than the health foods we genuinely need.

Among other factors, a person's cravings are particularly based on what they are used to diet -wise, and particularly in the short term. Our tastebuds become temporarily de - sensitized through heavy use of salt and spices, as well as heavy use of fats, flavor enhancers and other substances that are not ideal health - wise. As a result, we crave more and more of these substances and the foods that contain them, in order to find satisfaction in the taste of our food.

Beyond this point, there are many foods that are highly addictive on their own, and one of the big ones in this case, would be dairy products.

One of the most addictive substances known to the human body, is Caseomorphins, a component of Casein that is found in all dairy products.

The human body has enormous ability to heal, and maintain physical health for a surprisingly lengthy period, despite harmful choices health wise. We all know this. There are many that feel fine even as smokers, or consuming a great deal of junk food.

Feeling alone simply does not tell the full story of what is going on in a person's body in regards to the use of insulin, clogging of the blood vessels, weight gain, Osteoporosis, a lack of antioxidants, vitamin C, and other nutrients (which are shown to be far more lacking in those who consume a heavier animal based diet), even the growth of Cancer cells. While some of these physical conditions or "goings on" may be felt, there is no guarantee that a person will feel bad, while having serious health conditions or contributing to disease in their body.

Heart disease, for example, can be a silent and immediate killer, and is contributed to *enormously* through the consumption of animal products (as well as vegetable oil - including Coconut). It is actually the consumption of these foods in humans that is more so than any other factor, the greatest contributor to this condition, and the impact of these foods in this case is very, very strong and significant.

Almost more than any other point I would like to make. I would ask with all my heart to please consider the following;

In the case of science, biology and fact, we are a biological species - a specific animal. All biological species have a species specific diet. A species specific diet is the diet that all members of any individual species do best on. There are simply no species in nature that eat different from their species specific diet. the only exception to this rule would be in emergency situations, where an animal would eat the only thing. Humans are not different from other animals in the sense that despite our domestication, and active minds, we are animals, and we are a specific species, that is in great need of eating that which we are biologically designed to eat according to science and fact. Not simply "what feels right for us". The level at which the suggestion of doing what "feels right for us personally" in regards to food, is not only misleading, overly simplified, but also very much so, dangerous is *very significant.*

In nature a species that eats a diet different from their species specific diet gets sick. This is unavoidable, and will occur even if long term, rather than short term. In 100% honesty, while the concept may appear radical to some upon initial consideration.;

In the case of humans specifically, when it comes to diet; we are domesticated, indoctrinated, confused, following the majority - the norm, and greatly, greatly misled.

While humans are more adaptable than many other animals and can still survive eating animal based foods for a time, we still very much have a species specific diet.

You have attempted to point out that as humans, some of us may choose to eat as Omnivores or even Carnivores, while others as strictly plant based eaters, and this is 100% fine as we are all doing what is "right for us". This is a commonly held belief that simply does not measure up when it comes to Science and medical fact. There is one species specific diet for all biological species, not 2, 3, 4, or even 20 or more, in the case of the human being and our attempt to pick through the significant portion of nutritional misinformation that exists this day in age.

As one slight example that goes far beyond the impact of junk or processed food alone on human beings;

There is no heart disease in true Omnivores or Carnivores. We are now facing an epidemic of heart disease in first world Countries that eat the rich Western diet. Heart Disease is quite literally a result of the massive clogging of our Cardiovascular system with foods that we have a great deal of difficulty processing, all of us, not some of us.

In this case, foods that are dramatically higher in protein and fat than we are ideally designed to consume, and contain a high level of preformed cholesterol, a nutrient we are designed only to create ourselves, not take in from a foreign source.

There are essentially NO similarities in anatomy at all to humans and true Omnivores.

Humans are most similar (and nearly identical) to Frugivorous species. Frugivores are mammals that thrive off of raw fruit as their primary source of calories, with a small amount of greens, and occasionally nuts. We are simply not true Omnivores, and there are several notable differences between humans and Herbivores. The claim that "humans are Omnivores" is an enormous nutritional myth that has had devastating results on humanity. What is true is that we have adapted to eating an Omnivorous diet in our more recent history. Our anatomy and physical makeup remain as a species who is designed to eat plants, closest to Frugivore. I understand this is contrary to certain conventional teachings, but I stand by this point, and I will debate this with anyone. There are many doctors, and scientists who agree.


For those who may think "Yet we seem to be doing fine eating animal-based food"; A point to consider is the example of the domesticated cat. Domesticated cats, for the most part, do not eat a purely Carnivorous diet. In fact, the majority are fed food which consists of a rather large amount of grain, or other plant based fillers. The cats in this example are surviving eating what is very clearly not a Carnivorous diet. With humans, we survive for the most part, on a diet that contains animal products, even in rather large portions. However, we do not at all thrive on this diet. In both examples, this is more than the effect of cooked vs. raw food. To thrive, a species needs to eat that which they are biologically designed to eat. Our current "Omnivorous" diet, is quite literally contributing to an epidemic of disease, with a death toll that is higher than any other factor affecting our species at this time.


The chart that is in the link below (the very bottom of this comment) is from the Tree of Life by Dr Issac Jennings. It shows a detailed comparison between the anatomy of humans and *true* Omnivores. The article is correct in saying that we have adapted to eating an Omnivorous diet, BUT our anatomy has remained the same. We are still designed and do best health - wise eating a plant based diet.


Omnivores are far closer, in fact nearly identical to Carnivores, while far from similar to any strictly plant based eater.

Can you chase down a rabbit, a deer? Can you bite into their flesh while they are still alive and take them down? Can you and do you crave eating their body in it's entirety while still raw? These are all things that are done by true meat eaters in nature, including true Omnivores. We do not and never had the biological ability to do these things. In addition, there are no* species on this planet that drink the milk of another species past infancy. Dairy products are one of the least healthy foods we could possibly choose, and (as one example) contain naturally occurring hormones that have a very significant impact on promoting Cancer Cell growth in the human body.


We have eaten insects, and other animals using tools on occasion when plant foods were scare, but our ancestory as hunters is exaggerated. Also hunting without guns is a dangerous activity for humans, as we lack true ability to naturally hunt without tools. Carcasses attract other predatory animals, there is a greater chance of being killed or injured by the animals we hunt.

We have lived mainly as plant eaters, far more so than hunters and meat eaters.


The healthiest diet for humans is a plant based diet, that excludes all animal products.

Science Verifie

As an individual who has studied deeply on nutrition for many years, I have become aware of several books and sources I would most strongly recommend to the authors of The Bone Broth Secret, and to look to overall, for evidence, explanation, studies and a great deal of information as to why the message shared here about plant based nutrition is absolutely vital to human health.


The China Study

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Dr Caldwell Esselstyn

Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes

The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr Douglas Graham (The website of Dr Michael Greger - contains many hundreds of videos by Dr. Greger on nutrition, herbs, vitamins and supplements, harmful ingredients to avoid, etc.)

Documentaries on Plant based nutrition

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

Forks over Knives Documentary


The Last Heart Attack Dr Sanjay Gupta (Aired on CNN &

can be viewed through you tube)

Books and sources that cover in detail; the serious humanitarian, ethical and environmental issues resulting from the direct impact of farming animal based foods for human consumption, (Again, in all cases - small scale, or not)

The World Peace Diet, by Dr Will Tuttle

The Sustainability Secret Rethinking our Diet to Transform the World

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism by Melanie Joy (Discusses the serious ethical issue of the rights of animals and the concept of Speciesism - The idea of "human superiority" and the idea that some species are inferior and here for our use.)

Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat by Howard Lyman

Comfortably Unaware & Food Choice and Sustainability Dr Richard Oppenlander

Meatonomics by David Robinson Simon (Meatonomics is the first book to add up the huge "externalized" costs that the animal food system places on taxpayers, animals and the environment, finding these costs total about $414 billion yearly.)


Cowspiracy - A crucial, crucial documentary, mentioned above - that should be seen by all who care about the state of our planet, other species, and the future survival and well being of our own species.

Seaspiracy - A short (15 minute long), very powerful and revealing documentary that discusses the serious, serious impact fishing has not only on the Oceans, but on all life on this planet - including the lives of countless other Marine Species, and addresses why there is quite literally no such thing as "sustainable" Seafood. We face a real threat of Fishless Oceans by the year 2048 (The website of Dr Michael Greger - contains many hundreds of videos by Dr. Greger on nutrition, herbs, vitamins and supplements, harmful ingredients to avoid, etc.)

Health information.

Uprooting Leading Causes of death
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
Dr. Neal Barnard Reversing Diabetes

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