Justin Lim 0


25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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25 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Why we need a tighter security on transportation is because people are getting right passed the border to pollute and corrupt our streets. There is a war on drugs, and we are on the losing side. There are people distributing illegal substances that sometimes are mixed with other substances. We have laws, we have rehab, and yet people still get their hands on drugs. Still these people get their hands on drugs and ruin teens lives with it, teens abuse drugs. To take the upper hand on this war, we must take action. Take action by checking everything, that passes the border, on a car, on a airplane, on a boat, or on a bike. Too many people are just turning their back on this horrifying topic. Please sign my petition, please support this war on drugs, please keep our streets clean. Thank you If you have any power politically and approve of this petition or just have any questions please call 12242130041 Please fill in your first name, last name, your email twice and if you want, any comments. Thank you


The sudents of Adlai E. Stevenson High School, in the class of Mr.Williams, we are trying to change the world to make it a better place cell: 12242130041
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